Resilient Food Systems: Interview with Jon Steinman of "Deconstructing Dinner"

One of my favourite food journalists, Jon Steinman, is in town this week to give a talk at McGill on Resilient Food Systems. He was kind enough to do a live phone interview with me on CKUT 90.3FM on the Friday Morning After Show. You can download the interview here.

Jon will be on McGill campus at the Leacock Building, room 26, on Monday, January 31st at 6pm. Following his speech the McGill Food Systems Project will unveil their sustainability plan with McGill Food and Dining. The meal at the event will be offered by McGill chefs and will feature local grains and other sustainable products. The sustainability plan is still in draft form (and not all residence food is considered sustainable...yet) so now is the chance to understand where the organization stands now as well as how to become involved within the campus and within the greater community. All are welcome.