Mini-Contest: Be My Radio Restaurant Guest

I'm about to undertake another throwdown, but I'm just one person, a rather small person, and I need some help...

I'm heading to Le Petit Alep on Jean-Talon, right across from the Jean-Talon market, for a lunch of mezes and kebabs and other delicious Middle Eastern delicacies. I want to get through as many of the house specialties as possible, and that's more easily done with more stomachs. I'm simultaneously going to be recording the meal to edit into a radio feature for CKUT, to be played on the Friday Morning After show as an on-site restaurant review, like I did with Indian Maison Curry House a few months back.

So if you ever wanted to be on radio, or if you ever thought it would be fun to accompany a restaurant reviewer to work (it won't be as sneaky as usual, since I'll have the audio recorder out on the table...), or you've got some insight into Syrian food, now's your chance!

How to Win:

Leave a comment below telling me one of the following:
a) your favourite Middle Eastern dish (why, where, when)
b) berating me for being culturally unaware by grouping all Middle Eastern food together instead of separating by country

Top marks go to dish descriptions and offers to pay for the meal...Just kidding. Unfortunately I can't cover your meal costs, but I can offer you radio air-time and your name in print.

You must live in Montreal, be free in the next two weeks for lunch or dinner, like Middle Eastern food and be willing to share, let me take pictures of dishes before you dive in, accept that leftovers are inevitable and not stuff yourself silly because you hate taking them, try to enjoy yourself,and most importantly:
You must critique. "It's fine" is not a critique, unless justified. You don't have to be a poet, but I like to hear another opinion. Agree, disagree - both are fine, but if you think something about the food, then a reader or a radio listener might too, and they deserve, and probably want, to know.